DGN-Summer School 2023
The DGN Medical Education Committee under the auspices of the German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN e. V.) offers the annual “DGN-Summer School”. This successful and popular format of promoting young academics in the field of nuclear medicine was held in 2014 for the first time and is now a well-established landmark course of the DGN.
Grants are available for up to 30 medical students, doctoral candidates and young academics.
The "DGN-Summer School 2023" will take place under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Winfried Brenner, Prof. Dr. Martin Gotthardt and Prof. Dr. Felix Mottaghy at the Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Germany.
Please send your CV, a letter of motivation and a letter of reference from your supervisor by e-mail to:
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Your application is possible in German or English.
The application period ends on June 16, 2023.
Grants are available for up to 30 medical students, doctoral candidates and young academics.
The "DGN-Summer School 2023" will take place under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Winfried Brenner, Prof. Dr. Martin Gotthardt and Prof. Dr. Felix Mottaghy at the Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Germany.
Please send your CV, a letter of motivation and a letter of reference from your supervisor by e-mail to:

Your application is possible in German or English.
The application period ends on June 16, 2023.